Study of categories for systematization of concepts in knowledge management
Knowledge Management, Study of Categories, Systematic Review of Literature, Theories of Knowledge Organization, TaxonomyAbstract
Introduction: Based on the categorization principles, the study reports on-going research about the categories to systematize the concepts in knowledge management. Objective: It aims to create a concept-based Taxonomy for the Knowledge Management (KM) domain, the outcome of which may minimize conceptual misunderstanding among experts, promoting better communication and also the growth of the specialty. Method: As a methodological resource of the domain analysis approach, a systematic literature review was necessary in order to identify and define the categories that will compose the classification scheme. Conclusion: As a result, two major categories were created, plus seven corresponding subcategories. The following steps are intended to define the concepts, which will go through a process of systematization in hierarchical chains, thus fulfilling the general objective of the research that is the creation of a taxonomy for the domain of KM.
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