Federal university libraries and the concept of public goods
Access to knowledge, Public policy, Records of knowledge, University libraries, Public goodsAbstract
Introduction: Discusses the notion of the public sphere, public goods and access to knowledge in the context of the Brazilian federal university libraries in order to reflect, in perspective of Habermas (2003) and Bobbio (2007), the challenges of such institutions as public goods and therefore facilitating the access to the records of knowledge in Brazilian higher education institutions. It analyzes the impact of the notion of public goods in federal university libraries in order to determine what the consequences of this effect with regard to access to knowledge records. Method: It was used a desk research approach and bibliographic research initially supported by the aforementioned authors and discussed under the supported of other documents that present the need of specific public policies. Results: It was found that the Brazilian federal university libraries operate as contributors in the construction of scientific knowledge and overall human formation which requires, from the government, the issue of guidelines and a proper policy as well as the revitalization of librarian staff. Conclusion: It emphasizes the importance of the Brazilian federal university libraries as a public good and due to their contribution to information resources access, as a social promoter of information products and services and as a physical space to be appropriated by different social actors.
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