Methodologies that stimulate knowledge sharing: The experience of The Global Forum Latin America - GFLA
Knowledge sharing, Knowledge socialization, Appreciative Investigation, Graphic Facilitation, Knowledge Management, Global Forum Latin AmericaAbstract
Introduction: This article looks into the contributions made by the methodologies employed in the Global Forum Latin America (GFLA) as a way to share knowledge, by means of Appreciative Investigation (AI) and Graphic Facilitation. It identifies the importance of the environment to this sharing, and also the importance of the externalization of knowledge, as well as the factors that make this sharing easier. Method: It performs a descriptive research with qualitative approach, departing both from questionnaires applied to coordinators in the field of Organizational Development of the Federation of Industries of the State of Parana, which promoted the event in Brazil, and from the analysis of the documentation related to the methodologies used. Results: Describes the research environment and, based on the data collected through the questionnaire, the analysis was carried under the following categories: importance of the environment, outsourcing of knowledge, facilitating factors and methodologies to facilitate the experiences sharing. Conclusions: It concludes, from the analysis of the results, that AI can be considered as a methodology that facilitates the construction of a favorable environment (ba) to the creation of knowledge and that Graphic Facilitation directly contributes to the sharing process, since it provides an easier elucidation of one´s knowledge.
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