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Área mitocondrial relativa nos epitélios branquial e renal do baiacu estuarino tropical Sphoeroides testudineus após aclimatação a água do mar isosmótica

Viviane Prodocimo, Carolina A. Freire


The gills of teleost fishes are responsible both for gas exchange
in respiration and salt transport in osmoregulation (JOBLING,  1995; ZADUNAISKY, 1996; PERRY, 1997; VAN DER HEIJDEN et al., 1997; EVANS et al., 1999; EVANS et al., 2005). In marine teleosts the gill epithelium secretes salt mainly through chloride cells (JOBLING, 1995; ZADUNAISKY, 1996; PERRY, 1997; VAN DER HEIJDEN et al., 1997; FERNANDES et al., 1998; EVANS et al., 2005). These cells are typically located between secondary lamellae at their insertion in the gill filament (inter-lamellar region) or in the gill filament itself (LAURENT & DUNEL, 1980; PERRY, 1997; FERNANDES et al., 1998; EVANS et al., 2005). These cells are rounded, display abundant mitochondria, a tubular system of endomembranes, sub-apical vesicles, and extensive intercellular junctional complexes (LAURENT & DUNEL, 1980; JOBLING, 1995; ZADUNAISKY, 1996; PERRy, 1997; EVANS et al., 2005).


mitochondrial; branchial-renal-epithelia; tropical: estuarine-pufferfish; Sphoeroides-testudineus; isosmotic-seawater

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