Seasonal and macrotidal influence on the marphodynamics of estuarine beaches (Marajó island - Eastern amazon - Brazil)



Parole chiave:

Marajó Island, morphodynamics, dissipative beaches, coastal transport.


The Marajó island situated at the mouth of the Amazon estuary, is recognized as the largest estuarine island in the world. It is surrounded by the Amazon Estuary to the west, Pará estuary to the east, the Tocantins River to the south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north. The Pará Estuary Border of the Island is divided by the Paracauari channel, creating a division between two distinct coastlines: the coast with active cliffs and narrow beaches like Grande beach (35 m) and Joanes beach (58.4 m) located in Salvaterra. In the other side, extensive beaches such as Barra Velha beach (285 m) and Pesqueiro beach (240/300 m) with low topography and paleo mangrove terraces, located in Soure. The unique hydrodynamic conditions include tides reaching up to 5.7 m, currents of 1.7 m/s, and waves up to 1.5 m high originated from the northeast, along with average wind speeds of 7 m/s. The sedimentary equilibrium is more pronounced in the low sector. The low sector (Pesqueiro beach = 525.38 m3/m) exhibits a higher sedimentary balance compared to the high sector (Joanes beach = 250.07 m3/m and Grande beach = 88.58 m3/m). The beaches displayed an intermediate morphodynamic character, except for Grande beach (reflective/rainy season) and Joanes beach (reflective/dry). According to the RTR model, these beaches had an intermediate nature characterized by runnels and bars, except for Joanes beach (reflective/dry).

Biografie autore

El Robrini Maamar, Marine and Coastal Studies Group (GEMC), Federal University of Pará, Cidade Universitária Prof. José da Silveira Neto Av. Augusto Corrêa, 1 Belém 66075-110 (Pará/Brazil).

Master's degree in Physiography of the Oceans and Littorals (1982) and PhD in Marine Geology - Université de la Sorbonne Paris IV/ Paris IV (1986).
Full Professor at the Federal University of Pará,
Director of the Faculty of Oceanography,
Faculties of Geology, Naval Engineering and Oceanography
Postgraduate programmes (Naval Engineering, Oceanography and Water Resources).
Coordinator of the Marine & Coastal Studies Group (GEMC/CNPQ)

Paulo Victor Magno Silva, UFPA

Researcher at Marine & Coastal Studies Group (GEMC/CNPQ)

Juliana Sá Guereiro, UFPA

Dra. em Ciências Ambientais

Researcher at GEMC/CNPQ

Leilanhe Almeida Ranieri, FAOC / UFPA


Researcher at GEMC/CNPQ

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Come citare

Maamar, E. R., Silva, P. V. M., Guereiro, J. S., & Ranieri, L. A. (2024). Seasonal and macrotidal influence on the marphodynamics of estuarine beaches (Marajó island - Eastern amazon - Brazil). Quaternary and Environmental Geosciences, 15.


