Estimate of natural vegetation in the baía de Antonina’s drainage area (State of Paraná – Brazil), based on geopedological information


  • Eduardo Vedor de Paula UFPR
  • Leonardo José Cordeiro Santos UFPR



Carta de Vegetação Natural Potencial, mapeamento geopedológico, Sistema de Informações Geográficas


The objective of this study was to establish the Natural Vegetation Map of Baía de Antonina’s drainage area, considering for this process the altimetric, geological (predominantly the recent sediments) and pedological aspects. These were validated from the vegetation remnants that existed at that bay’s drainage area in 1999. Besides its use in studies for hydrological modeling, creating this Map in the environment of the Geographical Information System will also allow its use in projects to recover degraded areas. From the results, in terms of the relationship between the altimetric variations and vegetation types that still remain in the region, it was noted that most of the vegetation compartments show an agreement with the limits proposed in the literature. A percentage above 92% is included within these limits and in some cases it reaches 100%, such as in the Montane Mixed Ombrophilous Forest and the Marine Pioneer Formations compartments. The geological and soil characteristics were considered only for the coastal plain, since there is a greater diversity of plant compartments in this geomorphologic unit. It should be emphasized that their spatial relationship was also revealed to be in agreement with the literature that was studied and can be mentioned, for instance, the expressive spatial relationships between Gleissolos Tiomorphic (Classification of Brazilian Soil), the quaternary sediments associated with mangroves (QHmg) and the Fluvio-marine Pionner Formations.

Author Biographies

Eduardo Vedor de Paula, UFPR

Doutorando em Geografia (UFPR), bolsista DTI-1 (CNPq).

Leonardo José Cordeiro Santos, UFPR

Professor do Departamento de Geografia da UFPR e presidente da União da Geomorfologia Brasileira.

How to Cite

Paula, E. V. de, & Santos, L. J. C. (2009). Estimate of natural vegetation in the baía de Antonina’s drainage area (State of Paraná – Brazil), based on geopedological information. Quaternary and Environmental Geosciences, 1(2).


