The Anthropocene and the Technogene: stratigraphic temporal implications of the geological action of humankind


  • Antonio Manoel dos Santos Oliveira Universidade Guarulhos
  • Alex Ubiratan Goossens Peloggia Centro Universitário SENAC Faculdade SENAI de Tecnologia Ambiental FIG-UNIMESP



Anthropocene, Technogene, Geotechnogenic Diachronic Units


During the last years some original ideas concerning the geochronologic implications of human geological activities have been proposed, such as the Technogene and Anthropocene concepts as new geological periods. The essential aspects of the issue are the magnitude and frequency of these activities, the extent and significance of their correlative geological records and, of course, the nature of the stratigraphic time-related classification itself. In this paper we propose an alternative solution, which takes into account diachronic units (namely geotechnogenic events and phases) as appropriated for classifying the products of geological human action during the Quaternary

Biografia do Autor

Antonio Manoel dos Santos Oliveira, Universidade Guarulhos

Mestrado em Análise Geoambiental


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Como Citar

Oliveira, A. M. dos S., & Peloggia, A. U. G. (2014). The Anthropocene and the Technogene: stratigraphic temporal implications of the geological action of humankind. Quaternary and Environmental Geosciences, 5(2).



Antropoceno - Tecnógeno