Built Environment, Environmental Awareness, Quality of Life.Abstract
Concern about the environmental dimension is associated with the search forstrategies that aim to act in the management and planning, enabling the searchfor new concepts, methods and action research more comprehensive andglobalizing the sphere of natural resources and urban settlements. In this articleaims to analyze the possible influence of the built environment and green areasin quality of life in the city of Itabaiana/Se. To this end, we carried out readingliterature review, fingerprinting and analysis of books, theses, dissertations andarticles on topics such as quality of life, environmental quality, climate, greenareas and socio-environmental issues. Was accomplished field research toinvestigate the local atmospheric conditions and the presence and arrangementof green areas, and the application of interviews in order to analyze the degreeof development of environmentally conscious citizens. Were organized semistructuredquestions covering perceptions of the importance, intensity and theinterference of trees in climate as a whole, and thermal comfort of the city. Theway of results is that the built environment and lack of green areas in the cityact on the temperature and humidity. Moreover, the construction andreplacement of the natural surface by a set of constructions of buildings increasethe roughness, the effects are more direct: the reduction of wind speed andincreased turbulence, especially checked in Downtown. The afforestation is themost visible environmental component, yet the population still not fully aware ofthe importance of conservation of green areas for the environmental quality ofliving space in the city, since these spaces are characterized the socio-culturalrelations of itabaianenses, for them, a matter of survival greater. Soon, yourealize that people and authorities have no identity toward environmentalissues, that is, society does not care and do not manifest these issues willinfluence whether or not the quality of municipal life.Downloads
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