
  • Clarissa Cardoso Pereira
  • Zilda de Fátima Mariano
  • José Ricardo Rodrigues Rocha



Dengue, Air temperature, rainfall, Goiás-GO, Urban


Current studies are addressing health geography, especially the influence ofgeographical environment, environmental change and social organization onhealth and quality of life. These studies, mostly aimed at contributing to theprograms of public health and urban environmental planning. Thus, this presentarticle aims to analyze the variability of rainfall with the number of denguecases in the municipality of Goiás-GO, in the period 2007 to 2009. Automaticstations were installed to measure the climatic elements such as air temperatureand air humidity and rain gauges for the collection of rainfall at various pointswithin the city limits. These data were tabulated and correlated with confirmedcases of dengue. Thus, in the period 2007-2009, there was great variability inthe distribution of dengue in the neighborhoods with the highest numbers ofcases were concentrated in the region of Sucam Technical Center, with 181occurrences, of a total of 703 registered cases, accounting to 26%. Theneighborhood center and Vila Fátima were the neighborhoods where the highestnumber of cases recorded 49 dengue cases and 89 respectively, followed by theAirport with the record of 39 cases of dengue. Although the month of March wasthe wettest (above 320 mm), the highest dengue cases begin after the month ofMarch, the months of April and May the highest rate of occurrence of dengue,109 and 107 respectively, for this period there is a decrease in rainfall and theaccumulation of water in containers and reducing the runoff favoringproliferation, confirmed by Silva (2006 and 2007). From the results obtained,we believe that the principal mosquito that transmits dengue has, over time,adapting to the urban environment, then, is this environment that meets theenvironmental and social conditions ideal for its breed. The highest rates ofdengue in Jataí follow a seasonal pattern in the summer season and autumn,especially during March, April and May with environmental conditions conduciveto the development of eggs of the mosquito Aedes aegypti.

Author Biographies

Clarissa Cardoso Pereira

Licenciada em Geografia e Discente do Curso de Bacharelado em Geografia Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Jataí. 

Zilda de Fátima Mariano

Professora Adjunta, Universidade Federal de Goiás. 

José Ricardo Rodrigues Rocha

Bolsista PIBIC – Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Cientíca-UFG-Ca UniversidadeFederal de Goiás, Campus Jataí.

How to Cite

Cardoso Pereira, C., de Fátima Mariano, Z., & Ricardo Rodrigues Rocha, J. (2010). DENGUE: UMA ANÁLISE CLIMATO-GEOGRÁFICA NA CIDADE DE JATAÍ-GO. Revista Brasileira De Climatologia, 6.


