ReLAInEP is a biannual publication with free and open access under the responsibility of the Postgraduate Program in Industrial Engineering of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Its main objective is to contribute to the dissemination of research in the field of Industrial Engineering in Latin America with the acceptance of original and unpublished manuscripts.
Its macro areas are:
All submitted articles will go through a first analysis of the editorial body. The objective of this analysis is to verify the manuscript fitting within the scope of the journal. The articles that do not adapt to the scope or the format will be rejected or returned to the authors for their revision.
After the first review, the article is passes through a plagiarism detection software. If approved, it will be sent to two external reviewers according to the suggestions of the editorial board, based on the level of academic experience and their performance in the topic of the article.
The authors’ names will be removed from the manuscript so that the double blind review can be performed. If the final evaluation of the reviewers are contradictory, the article will be sent to a third one to decide on its approval or rejection.
The articles may be rejected, accepted directly or returned to the authors with the changes requirements, in their form and / or content.
This journal has no article processing charges (APCs) and offers free and open access to its content, following the principle that the free delivery of scientific knowledge to the public provides greater global democratisation of knowledge.
Este periódico está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição - NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional
Rev. Lat.-Am. Inov. Eng. Prod. [ReLAInEP], Curitiba (PR), Brasil
ISSN: 2317-4846 (Versão impressa)
ISSN-e: 2317-6792 (Versão online)