Considerations about the geography of Alexander von Humboldt: Theory, Philosophy and Nature’s concept.


  • Kalina Salaib Springer UNICAMP



Alexander von Humbold, Epistemologia da Geografia


To the knowledge of geography, can not ignore the influence of the romantic movement had in the context of their systematic knowledge as a unified body of theoretical and methodological endowed scientificity. The science geographical consolidates in Germany in the mid-nineteenth century, with theoretical foundations, philosophy and methodology derived from a hybridization between romantic and positivist conceptions of world, science and society. Therefore, this article has as main objective to bring the reader a bit of geography developed by Alexander von Humboldt, also referring to the philosophical and historical context of the time, and the discussion of this nature in their texts.


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How to Cite

Springer, K. S. (2009). Considerations about the geography of Alexander von Humboldt: Theory, Philosophy and Nature’s concept. RA’E GA Journal - The Geographic Space in Analysis, 18.


