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Advanced course on marine zooplankton ecology Pontal do Sul, Brasil: a summary

Jefferson T Turner, Ulrich V Bathmann, Tagea V S Björnberg, Frederico P Brandini, Rubens M Lopes


During the entire month of July 1995 an international “Advanced Course on Marine Zooplankton Ecology” was held at the Centro de Estudos do Mar (CEM) of the Universidade Federal do Paraná in Pontal do Sul, Paraná, Brasil. This course included 13 students (listed in Table 1) from five Latin American countries (Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador and Mexico), and instructors from Brasil (Bjomberg, Brandini and Lopes), Germany (Bathmann) and the United States (Turner) (Photo 1). Because this experience was scientifically as well as culturally enlightening, for both students and instructors, we briefly summarize significant aspects of this effort, in the hope that our course might serve as a model for similar endeavors which might be attempted elsewhere.

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