Assessing the distribution of green spaces and urban trees is a challenge mainly in Latin American cities, either due to a lack of technical staff or economic resources. The “3-30-300 Rule” is an approach designed within the European context to quickly assess the supply of urban greenery. It considers the minimum number of trees visible from homes (3), the percentage of canopy cover (30), and the distance to people to access green spaces (300). This study aimed to adapt this Rule to a city in the Peruvian coastal desert, contributing to the agile, continuous, and low-cost monitoring of urban greenery. The methodology was tested in the district of Barranco - Lima and involved adapting each of the three indicators of the rule based on the physical characteristics of the urban fabric and the climatic context. A scoring system was proposed to quantitatively identify the areas with the highest urban green deficit. The results suggest that the “3-30-300 Rule” could be adapted to the Barranco district due to its flexibility to adjust to different spatial and climatic contexts and its low technical and financial requirements for its calculation. However, the main challenge remains the availability of quality data to enable the procedure to be replicated over time.
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Texto completo:
PDF (English)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5380/rf.v54i1.88993