Sartre and the crisis of grounding


  • Marcos Lutz Müller Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Bornheim, Sartre, ontologia, fundamento, metafísica, phenomenological ontology, metaphysics, grounding


After a brief reminiscence of Gerd Bornheims int e l l e c t ual and personal trajectory (I), I emphasize the orig i nality of his int e r p retation of Sartres phe nome no l o g ical ont o l o g y, focused on the the me of the crisis of gro u nd i ng, re a d through the He ide g ge r ian lenses of the crisis of Metaphy s ics as the history of B e i ngs forgetfulness (II). Sartres ont o l o g ical radic a l i z a t ion of int e ntio nality by me a ns of the concepts of no t h i ng ness and nihilation is analyzed by Bornhe i m in the horizon of the Metaphysics of partic i p a t ion as its limit-case, suppressing its relational structure and reducing it to the very participating act negatively absolutized (III). The impossibility of the ont o l o g ical dic t ion of Being-in-itself as both the impoverished fig u re of grounding and the very last ent i f ication of Being , as well as the phantasmagoria of the human project and of its temporalization by the impossible ideal of Being-in-itself-for-itself, understood as the Selfs ont ol ogical mirage, culminate in the ont o - t heological thesis turned ins ide-out of man as useless passion (IV).



How to Cite

Müller, M. L. (2006). Sartre and the crisis of grounding. DoisPontos, 3(2).


