Gravimetric network: new perspectives of adjustment, quality analysis and gravimetric data integration


  • Guataçara dos Santos Junior



International Gravity Standardization Net 1971 (IGSN71) it is at the present time the world gravity network of reference. The national fundamental gravity network and flowed they are usually established saw relative survey this world network. Due to the brazilian territorial extension where only 20 places exist with stations IGSN71 and the access difficulties to remote areas, the precision of the networks flowed usually comes in the interval from 50 to 100 microgal. This conception of gravity survey became modified, with constraining of observations of differences gravity in the existent networks for control and readjustment, with the calibration of gravimeters in field and the control of the factor of instrumental scale. With base in those ideas initials, it was conceived a Scientific Gravity Network for the State of Paraná. In the present work the conceptions, strategies and experimental activities associated to the methodology of implantation of gravity networks of high precision in Brazil are presented. For so much, a network was implanted with stations in 21 places of the State of Paraná and one in the State of São Paulo. The survey of the observations was made with four gravimeters, three of the type LaCoste & Romberg, models G-114, G-143, G-372 and a digital gravimeter Scintrex, model CG3. Combining the observations with four gravimeters with the adjustment strategies for the method of least square employed for network, were obtained several solutions for the network. It is also presented a criterion for integration of observations LaCoste & Romberg with observations originating from of the gravimeter Scintrex. For analysis of all the obtained solutions, as well as the decision for the great solution, the criteria of precision and reliability were used for geodetic networks.

How to Cite

dos Santos Junior, G. (2005). Gravimetric network: new perspectives of adjustment, quality analysis and gravimetric data integration. Bulletin of Geodetic Sciences, 11(2).


