Foco e Escopo

The Bulletin of Geodetic Sciences (BCG) (ISSN: 1982-2170) is a quarterly journal which publishes English - language original articles in Geodetic Sciences and related interdisciplinary sciences.

BCG was founded in 1988, named as “Geodésia” and distributed in printed form. In 1996, it received its current name and adopted an annual frequency. In the following year, the digital edition was started, while keeping the printed edition. In 1999, it became semiannual and since 2008 it is a quarterly publication (March, June, September and December editions). In 2005 BCG was integrated to the Scopus base and in 2011 to the SciELO network. In 2014, it ended its print edition, maintaining only the digital one. In order to expand the reach of contributions, in 2016 BCG started accepting articles in English-language only. In the same period, BCG was integrated into the Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), increasing the visibility of authors and their articles.

BCG is a journal dedicated to the dissemination of research and knowledge with an emphasis on the following thematic areas: Geodesy and Surveying; Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing; and Cartography and Geographic Information Systems.

As of June 2020, BCG incorporated a fourth area, called “Interdisciplinarity in Geodetic Sciences”. It aims to meet the demand for more comprehensive investigations, related to more than one thematic area of Geodetic Sciences in connection to other knowledge areas. It seeks contributions employing methodologies from Geodetic Sciences as applied to disciplines such as Oceanography, Hydrology, Meteorology, Geology, Aeronomy and Engineering, among others.

With the four thematic areas above, we expect to accommodate the historical scope of the articles published in BCG, as well as incorporating contributions of an interdisciplinary nature related to Geodetic Sciences.

Contents published since 1997 are available online at the Digital Library of Journals of the Federal University of Paraná.



Indexed in


BCG is covered by the following databases:

  •  SciELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online
  •  Scopus – Elsevier
  •  Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  •  DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
  •  AGI: American Geosciences Institute
  •  Redalyc – Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal


  •  Capes/Qualis (B1)
  •  Diadorim - Diretório de Políticas de Acesso Aberto das Revistas Científicas Brasileiras
  •  LATINDEX - Sistema regional de información en línea para revistas científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal


Intellectual property


All content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is available under a Creative Commons attribution licence (CC BY)









Processo de Avaliação pelos Pares

Analysis of manuscripts for Publication

The Editor-in-chief and an Associate Editor, chosen based upon the manuscript's topic, verify its relevance, its adequacy for the journal's editorial scope, and originality and contribution to the area of submission. The manuscripts that are admitted during this the initial screening will be double-blind reviewed by at least two reviewers invited by the Associate Editor. The Advisory Board of the journal consist of faculty and researchers from different regions and countries.

Neither BCG nor its Editors are responsible for the opinions, ideas and concepts presented in the texts, and the manuscript content is full responsibility of the author.

The BCG Editorial Board is responsible for deciding on accepting the publication of the manuscript, considering the original text, the reviewers's comment and the modifications made by authors. Along with the modified version, corrected based on the reviewers’s comments, authors should include a rebuttal letter describing the changes and justifying technically the ones they did not consider applicable Minor changes can be expedite by the Editorial Board to make the evaluation and publication.

Rejected manuscripts may be submitted again after being thoroughly revised according to the reviewers' comments.


Serão publicados quatro números por ano na versão on-line.

Política de Acesso Livre

The Bulletin of Geodetic Sciences is fully commitment to Open Access. We strive to guarantee that all publications take into account the following criteria:
a. is freely accessible to every reader at no charge;
b. reaches the maximum visibility as possible;
c. is in compliance with good practices for science publishing;
d. presents no barrier to content dissemination.



Fontes de Apoio



Histórico do periódico

Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas é um periódico trimestral destinado à publicação de trabalhos inéditos, em Inglês, tais como: Artigos, Comunicações e/ou Trabalhos Técnicos em  Ciências Geodésicas e áreas afins.

A partir de 2008 foi constituída uma comissão Editorial com Editores Associados por Área de conhecimento (Geodésia e Levantamentos, Fotogrametria e Sensoriamento Remoto, Cartografia e Sistemas de Informações Geográficas) mantendo o Corpo Consultivo para a avaliação e parecer dos trabalhos. Os Editores têm a prerrogativa de aceitar ou não trabalhos submetidos para publicação no que diz respeito à adequação à linha editorial do Boletim.

Encontra-se disponível, aos usuários, todos os seus números e conteúdos publicados desde 1997 (aqueles que foram possíveis de resgatar) em meio digital, através do Serviço Eletrônico de Revistas (SER) da Universidade Federal do Paraná (site


O título abreviado é Bol. Ciênc. Geod. (Online), e poderá ser usado em notas de roda pé e referências bibliográficas.

 Fontes de indexação


  • AGI: American Geological Institute
  • DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
  • SciELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online.
  • Scopus – Elsevier


  • Capes/Qualis (Nacional B1)
  • Diadorim - Diretório de Políticas de Acesso Aberto das Revistas Científicas Brasileiras
  • LATINDEX - Sistema regional de información en línea para revistas científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal



Propriedade intelectual

Todo o conteúdo do periódico, exceto onde está identificado, está licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons do tipo Atribuição BY.