Solar flare impact in the ionosphere and GPS positioning in the Brazilian region: a study case for the October, 28 2003 event
The error due to the ionosphere in the GPS observables is directly proportonal to the Total Electron Content (TEC) in the ionospheric layer. The TEC varies regularly in time and space in relation to the sunspot number, the season, the local time, the geographic position, and others. However, the TEC can suffer abrupt
modifications in its behavior due to the occurrence of intense solar flares. During a solar flare event a fast increase of the solar electromagnetic radiation occurs, especially in the rays X and extreme ultraviolet wavelengths that can provoke a series of phenomena in the ionosphere that are generically called Sudden
Ionospheric Disturbances (SID). In this paper, GPS data from RBMC and IGS network were used, to analyze the influence of the intense solar flare, occurred on October 28, 2003 on the behavior of TEC and in the performance of the point positioning in the Brazilian region.
modifications in its behavior due to the occurrence of intense solar flares. During a solar flare event a fast increase of the solar electromagnetic radiation occurs, especially in the rays X and extreme ultraviolet wavelengths that can provoke a series of phenomena in the ionosphere that are generically called Sudden
Ionospheric Disturbances (SID). In this paper, GPS data from RBMC and IGS network were used, to analyze the influence of the intense solar flare, occurred on October 28, 2003 on the behavior of TEC and in the performance of the point positioning in the Brazilian region.
Posicionamento com GPS; Ionosfera; Explosão Solar; GPS Positioning; Ionosphere; Solar Flare; TEC