Open Journal Systems

Evaluating cartographic bases quality by means of indicators and Fuzzi Inference System

Deise Regina Lazzarotto


The absence of methodologies for evaluating map bases quality have
driven part of scientific community to propose new research topics in order to
fill in this lack of knowledge. Today in Brazil the evaluation of base maps are
only developed based on a Map Accuracy Standard called Padrão de Exatidão
Cartográfico PEC. Besides the Brazilian map accuracy standard limitations
for digital data its specifications are intended only to positional accuracy of the
map data. This characteristics and the fact that PEC is out of date for modem
technologies, make it not sufficient and not efficient for the analysis of every
important characteristics of cartographic documents related to their quality. The
evaluation of cartographic documents quality is a complex task which includes
the difficult analysis about the efficient of their use. The more the diversity of
the maps possible uses the more complex the determination of their quality.
Therefore, the proposed methodology takes into consideration every base map
characteristics related to its quality including the maps user needs. The base
map quality is established by the identification of parameters that must be
included in the quality definition. According to the research work result these
parameters are: map updating generalization, map accuracy and precision, map
legibility. The parameters definition and evaluation developed in this doctorate
thesis are map updating and map generalization, which are defined as
quantitative indicators and evaluated by the Fuzzy Inference Systems. The map
updating and generalization indicators are proposed and established by some
maps characteristics defined as variables, such as, absolute out-of-date,
availabity of digital data, compatibility to the most recent geodetic reference
system, population grow and future population estimation, energy
consuming of the mapped region, planimetric and altimetric generalization,
and map scale. These parameters are input data in the methodology for map quality evaluation. Some intermediate parameters (as called in this thesis) are
defined by those input parameters and they are: technological age, out-ofdate
rate, ad human factors that change the region. Finally, from these
parameters it is possible to determine the Map Quality Indicator. According to
the achieved results it is possible to define a quantitative map quality evaluation
related to map updating and generalization. However, the complete base map
evaluation can be developed from any number of those parameters described
above. Which parameters must be considered in the base map evaluation
depends only on the user needs. Therefore it is important to define base map
quality proposed in this thesis as contextual base map quality.