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The process related to the interviews should follow the orientations below:
1) interviewed: expert researchers are invited to present (and discuss) theoretical and methodological aspects regarding themes of interest which happened to be state of the art in the knowledge and information arena;
2) definition: the expert researchers are chosen by the Editorial Board taking into account the opinion and suggestions of its members, authors and readers;
3) interview questions:
a) should be are elaborated by the members of Editorial Board considering, whenever possible, contributions of authors and readers,
b) should be oriented to methodologies, concepts, characteristics, strengths or weaknesses in subjects of interest for the knowledge/information fields.
4) appendix: should incorporate picture and short-bio of the interviewed;
5) interaction with readers: the commentary section is open for registered users. Anonymous post is not allowed.
It acepts submission in continuous publication model of articles related to researches involving innovative aspects of information and knowledge and that (approach, methodology or both). IT must have at least 15 (fifteen) but should not exceed 20 (twenty) pages, including reference list and appendix. Template.
Thematic Issue - Article
Scientific articles from researches about new practices in data, information and knowledge that present innovative and interdisciplinary approaches by submitting articles to the thematic issue with a central theme in "Digital Learning Assessment vs. Digital Learning Assessment".
Themes for that issue: Digital Learning Assessment vs. Digital Learning Assessment.
Deadline: May 31st, 2021.
Issue: v.12, 2023
The AtoZ Journal aims to privilege and disseminate, freely and free of charge, interdisciplinary research results related to the areas of Education, Science, Technology, Information and Knowledge Management.
In this perspective, we invite researchers to share their knowledge about trends and new practices based on teaching, disruptive and interdisciplinary, for the presentation of articles in this volume in the Thematic Area: Evaluation of Digital Learning versus Digital Evaluation of learning applied to various areas of knowledge, that will be organized by professors; Dr. Ana María Martín Cuadrado (National University of Distance Education - UNED Spain), Dr. María do Carmo Duarte Freitas (Federal University of Paraná - UFPR. Brazil), Dr. María José Latorre Medina (University of Granada -UGR, Ceuta Campus. Spain) and Dr. Karina Marisol Guardado Rivera (University of El Salvador -UES. El Salvador). The dossier will be published in Volume 12 of 2023 of the AtoZ magazine.
Background of the theme
Evidences confirm that in the digital age, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have allowed, on the one hand, to create rich and flexible learning environments and, on the other, to expand existing scenarios, breaking with the physical and temporal barriers generated in educational processes. During the COVID19 pandemic, around the world, it was possible to verify the emergence of educational alternatives to respond to the needs of the existing scenario. Therefore, there are numerous arguments that due to the incorporation of ICT in the educational field, certain innovative teaching methodologies and strategies have been promoted, expanding training scenarios; fostering new forms of interaction between teachers, between students and teachers; facilitating the approach to knowledge from different perspectives and favoring the development of multiple intelligences of students.
In summary, several environments conducive to learning were created, with designs that favor attention to diversity.
However, in recent years, studies have demonstrated the relationship between educational innovation, ICT and good practices; with the set of didactic-pedagogical evaluation and how ICT has become a central issue of study and analysis, due to its transversality and connection with the rest of the curricular elements. Observing from the double perspective: either from the concept of aligned curriculum, or from the importance of guaranteeing quality learning to the educational community and facilitating integrative, reliable and valid evaluation processes. When analyzing the academic literature, it can be seen that in scientific publications in which educational evaluation is addressed, it is common to find authors mentioning the importance of including ICT in these processes, certifying that, thanks to their incorporation, certain innovative methodologies have been promoted to assess students' learning in different contexts (face-to-face and distance learning), educational internships (university and non-university) and areas of knowledge.
Thus, within the scope of educational assessment and the relationship it maintains with ICT, two contexts of action emerge that require attention among academics, teachers and researchers: Firstly, the assessment of digital learning located in a distance context versus the digital assessment of learning located in contexts in person. Secondly, the mixture of both contexts can cause others, called blended or hybrid, in which digital educational assessment appears and offers several possibilities for action. In any of the situations, there is learning that is diluted between the areas of knowledge and in university or non-university courses (compulsory educational phases of kindergarten, primary, secondary and/or professional education). In particular, the emphasis on any of these educational contexts will contribute to the analysis, reflection and improvement of teaching in any course/discipline, in university and non-university environments, emphasizing the evaluation activity.
The magazine's thematic area will address the transformations derived from the inclusion of ICT in educational processes present in different environments (face-to-face, distance and/or hybrid), which point to a new look at educational assessment assisted with digital technology. Based on this context, the following domains and axes are proposed:
Area 1. Assessment of digital learning
Axis 1. Assessment as a curricular element in undergraduate courses.;
Axis 2. The evaluation of teaching and learning processes by competences:
1. Phases and strategies;
2. Techniques, instruments and tools;
3. Types of assessment: self-assessment, co-assessment, hetero-assessment, etc.
Axis 3. Teaching and learning assessment models.
Axis 4. Training of professionals for the integration of ICT in the educational evaluation process.
Axis 5. Evaluation of professionals with the aim of improving educational processes.
Axis 6. Information management and assessment of digital learning.
Area 2. Digital assessment of learning
Axis 1. Assessment as a curricular element in undergraduate courses.;
Axis 2. The evaluation of teaching and learning processes by competences:
1. Phases and strategies;
2. Techniques, instruments and tools;
3. Types of assessment: self-assessment, co-assessment, hetero-assessment, etc.
Axis 3. Teaching and learning assessment models.
Axis 4. Training of professionals for the integration of ICT in the educational evaluation process.
Axis 5. Evaluation of professionals with the aim of improving educational processes.
Axis 6. Information management and the digital assessment of learning.
There are many actions and research experiences that justify the need for educational evaluation in teaching degrees. The contribution of digital technology is an advantage for the improvement and innovation of teaching and learning processes, in general, and, in particular, for the improvement of assessment processes. This dossier aims to know and analyze how the processes of change and innovation that aim at integrating ICT in the educational evaluation process are – and have been – developed at different levels and stages.
We hope that the contributions received in this regard correspond to the axes mentioned in this call and add value to the knowledge generated so far around the topic of this dossier.
In this context, unpublished works will be accepted with relevant implications for expanding the frontiers of sharing information and knowledge on the central theme and its axes, in which they demonstrate innovative approaches, applications and/or methodologies, including review studies or empirical data on advances in research results.
We encourage the submission of scientific articles in Portuguese, Spanish or English that are characterized as rigorous research related to any of the proposed themes and axes.
The list of axes and themes is not intended to be exhaustive. Other topics will be welcome and appreciated as long as they focus on the domain of teaching-learning assessment.
The other submission rules of the journal can be found at the link:
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Atoz is a open access journal and the authors have permission and are encouraged to deposit their papers in personal web pages, institutional repositories or portals before (pre-print) or after (post-print) the publication at AtoZ. It is just asked, when and where possible, the mention, as a bibliographic reference (including the atributted URL), to the AtoZ Journal.
The authors license the AtoZ for the solely purpose of disseminate the published work (peer reviewed version/post-print) in aggregation, curation and indexing systems.
The AtoZ is a Diadorim/IBICT green academic journal.
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When published by this journal, articles are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any support or format for any purpose, even commercial) and adapt (remix, transform, and create from the material for any purpose , even if commercial). You must give appropriate credit , provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made
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