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Cookeina tricholoma (Pezizales): a new distributional record of an unexpected edible fungus in Brazilian Northeast rain forests

Manuella Praxedes, Andreza Peixoto, Felipe Wartchow


Cookeina tricholoma is an operculate discomycete belonging to Pezizomycetes, growing saprobe on dead trunks. The species distribution is widespread around the world, occurring in tropical and subtropical regions. It is characterized by its bright colors, hirsute/hairy surface, stipitate apothecia, operculate asci, and ascospores with longitudinal ribs. This paper provides a new distributional record of C. tricholoma in a “brejo de altitude” forest in the State of Paraíba and, in a submontane rain forest of the Federal Biological Reserve of Pedra Talhada, in the State of Alagoas, with morphological description of the ascomata, discussion and photographs


Ascomycota, Neotropic, Pezizomycetes, Sarcoscyphaceae, taxonomy

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