From sambaquis (shell mounds) to plastic debris: a summary of the geological imprint of human occupation in the coast of São Paulo (Southeast Brazil)


  • Alynne Almeida Affonso Instituto Oceanográfico Universidade de São Paulo
  • Michel Michaelovitch de Mahiques Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo
  • Paulo Alves de Lima Ferreira Instituto Oceanográfico Universidade de São Paulo
  • Diana Melo Italiani Centro de Ciências do Mar Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Cristina Celia Martins
  • Javier Alcántara-Carrió Instituto Oceanográfico Universidade de São Paulo
  • Rubens Cesar Lopes Figueira Instituto Oceanográfico Universidade de São Paulo
  • Renata Hanae Nagai Centro de Estudos do Mar Universidade federal do Paraná



Human occupation, coastline, SE Brazil


In this work, we present a brief revision of the geological evidence of human activities in the coast of São Paulo (Southeast Brazil), from pre-historical times to the present. We analyze case studies in different sectors of the coast, identifying the main historical causes that resulted in environmental changes with their consequent imprint in the sedimentary column. There was a south-to-north trend in
the occupation at the colonization period (1500 onwards), essentially determined by differences in the geomorphology of the area. Finally, the accumulation of artificial radionuclides and plastic debris in the sediments is discussed.


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Como Citar

Affonso, A. A., de Mahiques, M. M., Ferreira, P. A. de L., Italiani, D. M., Martins, C. C., Alcántara-Carrió, J., … Nagai, R. H. (2018). From sambaquis (shell mounds) to plastic debris: a summary of the geological imprint of human occupation in the coast of São Paulo (Southeast Brazil). Quaternary and Environmental Geosciences, 9(1).



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