air temperature, microclimate, Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro.Abstract
This paper aims to study the urban climate in the quarter Maracanã, consideringits environmental characteristics, patterns of land use and dynamism of theactivities subject to regional atmospheric patterns acting, able to reflect on aweekly evolution of air temperature. The daily data of temperature of themeteorological station of the Maracanã, from 1992 to 2002, were separated byday and compared with data for three tracking stations air quality in neighboringdistricts – São Cristóvão and Tijuca, in addition to the Center. The evaluation human influence on this pace was made in two stages: the first was made at theintersection of the curve of temperature with the concentration of CO toevaluate the interference of vehicles in temperature; already the second stepwas the warming caused by an agglomeration of people through data loggersinstalled in the stadium Maracanã monitoring the air temperature for a week,and that time was a public event with a more than 50 thousand people, the firstgame of end of the Copa do Brasil, 2006 when they faced Vasco and Flamengo.The four monitoring stations showed a weekly rate for a similar temperature,with warmer days and the weekends less hot. However, no evidence ofanthropogenic interference in this weekly rhythm.Downloads
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