The Brazilian Journal of Climatology, an instrument of scientific dissemination of the Brazilian Association of Climatology, publishes original scientific articles, technical notes, bibliographical reviews, special articles of the Climatology area, with the condition that they are unpublished.
1. Special articles shall be submitted by invitation of the Editorial Board. In other types of publication, at least one of the authors of the paper should preferably be a member of the Brazilian Climatology Association.
2. Papers will be submitted electronically, in a format compatible with Word or Open Office Writer, in Portuguese or English, in 18.5 x 26.5 cm sheet with upper and lower margins of 1.60 cm, left margin of 2,50 cm and right of 1,60 cm, source Verdana 10, simple space. The maximum number of pages will be 20 (twenty), including tables, graphs and illustrations.
3. The work submitted as an article should contain the following topics: Title (in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French); Abstract (maximum 2000 characters) and Keywords (maximum 5 words) in 4 languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish and French; Introduction with Literature Review and Objectives; Material and methods; Results and discussion; Conclusions (or combination of these), Acknowledgments, if any, and Bibliographical References. There is no need for this subdivision for notes and revisions, but they must contain a brief summary and abstract.
4. The citations of the authors in the text should be made with lowercase letters followed by the year of publication in parentheses and in capital letters if the citation is between relatives, according to examples:
The water balance was calculated according to the method of Thortnthwaite and Mather (1957)
........ whereas in water it may represent 100% (JARVIS, 1975).
5. The Bibliographical References should be presented according to ABNT, as in the examples:
CAMARGO, A. P. de. Contribution to the determination of potential evapotranspiration in the State of São Paulo, Bragantia, Campinas, v. 21, n. 12, p, 163-213, 1962.
OMETTO, J. C. Vegetable bioclimatology. São Paulo: Ceres, 1981. 400 p.
COCHRAN, W. G. The stimation of sample sign. In: Sampling Techniques. 3, ed. New York: John Willey, 1997, Chapter 4 p. 72-90.
6. The tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals, with an explanatory header or caption at the top and constructed in such a way as to be intelligible. Horizontal lines should appear to separate the title from the header and the header of the content, plus a line at the end of the table. Vertical lines should not be used.
7. Drawings, graphs and photographs will be called Figures, having the order number in Arabic numerals and the title in its lower part. All must be in digital format, preferably in JPG format, in resolution appropriate to the image size. Repetitive table figures will not be accepted.
8. At the discretion of the editors, the works that do not fall within the area of Climatology will not be accepted and returned to the author (s), without going through the editorial process.
9. In the submission, the author (s) should make clear the type of publication (article, technical note or bibliographic review) that he or she wishes for the work.
10. The concepts and statements contained in the articles will be the sole responsibility of the author (s), but the Editorial Board reserves the right to suggest changes.
11. The article will be submitted to the Advisory Board of the Journal (peer review and approval), which will accept the publication or not. Each article will be sent to two reviewers of recognized competence in the subject addressed. In case of disagreement, the original will be sent for a third evaluation. The peer review process is a confidential procedure regarding the identity of both authors and reviewers, so authors should use all possible means to avoid identifying authorship of the submitted article. The final decision on the publication or not of the manuscript is always of the editors, who are reserved the right to make the adjustments that they deem necessary. In the detection of writing problems, the manuscript will be returned to the authors for the changes due. The reformulated work must return within the maximum period determined in the communication between editor and author.
A aprovação dos artigos implica a aceitação imediata e sem ônus de que a Revista Brasileira de Climatologia terá exclusividade na primeira publicação do artigo. Os autores continuarão, não obstante, a deter os direitos autorais. Os autores autorizam também que seus artigos sejam disponibilizados em todos os indexadores aos quais a revista está vinculada.
Os autores mantém seus direitos de publicação sem restrições
A Comissão Editorial não se responsabiliza pelos conceitos ou afirmações expressos nos trabalhos publicados, que são de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.
A Revista Brasileira de Climatologia oferece acesso livre imediato ao seu conteúdo, seguindo o entendimento de que disponibilizar gratuitamente o conhecimento científico ao público proporciona maior democratização do conhecimento e tende a produzir maior impacto dos artigos publicados. Os artigos publicados na revista são disponibilizados segundo a Licença Creative Commons CC-BY-NC 4.0 ( Segundo essa licença é permitido acessar, distribuir e reutilizar os artigos para fins não comerciais desde que citados os autores e a fonte. Ao submeter artigos à Revista Brasileira de Climatologia, os autores concordam em tornar seus textos legalmente disponíveis segundo essa licença
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