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Carlos Eduardo Zacarkim, Luciano Caetano de Oliveira, Nayara Symanski, Fernando Rodolfo Espinoza Quinõnes, Soraya Moreno Palácio, Simone Damasceno


The study was based on a surface flow wetland system, using the macrophyte Eicchornia crassipes. The use of wetlands as an alternative in the wastewater treatment process has been employed due to the handling and simple technology, addition to the low cost compared to conventional systems. Three hydraulic retention times, they are 4, 6 and 8 days were analyzed. In general the system showed significant results in relation to removals of nutrients for all TRH reviews, where the hydraulic retention time of 6 days achieved the best performance. The proposed system achieved 79.91% reductions for COD, 83.51% of Total Phosphorus, Total Nitrogen 67.93%, 87.7% chromium and 52% Sulfur.

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