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Jesus Emilio Hernandez, Marcela Virginia Santana Juárez, Noel Bonfilio Pineda Jaimes


The purpose of this article is to analyze the territorial distribution of the demographic transition in the State of Mexico, during the period 1980 -2015. The demographic transition for the State of Mexico presents a differentiated evolution over time and territory. The indicators considered are the birth rate and death rate, calculated based on registered births and registered hospital deaths, respectively; as well as the total population for the period 1980-2015. The statistical methods used are the Mean Index Value (MIV) and the bivariate analysis, which gave the guideline to generate the spatial-temporal behavior of the demographic transition and to elaborate the corresponding cartography. Some findings indicate that in the State of Mexico the demographic transition presents four stages: two of them in extensive regions: as the late stage mainly in the west; the full stage in the center and west of the state; the moderate and advanced stages are presented in small regions at random.



Geografía, transición demográfica, distribución geografica

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