Obtaining of high quality talc from talcose rocks: a case study from the Sinec and Kokava deposits (Slovakia)
talcose rocks, high quality talc, talc flakes, flotation, benefication, wasteless technology, Sinec, Kokava, Veporic unit, SlovakiaResumo
The talcose rocks of lower quality and rarely exploited rock varieties accompanying talc occurrences were tested aiming to obtain talc products of high quality. The main goal was to contribute to wasteless technology of processing, because these rocks are usually stored in dumps and cause environmental threat. The talc extraction and benefication from carbonatic talcose rocks - talc-magnesite, talc-dolomite and talc-magnesite-dolomite was done using flotation method in case study from Sinec deposit. The talc flakes, present in sericite-chlorite schistose rocks in Kokava deposit, were successfully tested for special use in paperboard for roof‘s covering. Both deposits belong to the strip of talcose occurrences in Veporic unit of Central Slovakia.
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