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Environmental impact assessment and environmental management plan - a case study of magnesite and dunite mine, South India



The Chalk Hills region of Salem, Tamil Nadu, South India, has been the producer of magnesite
of both calcination and refractory grades, for more than a century. Due to the vein type nature of
the mineralisation, mining of this white carbonate of magnesium involves employment of men
and deployment of heavy earth moving machines. The host rock, dunite, is also being mined as it
is a commercially valuable by-product. The mining activity, comprising drilling, blasting (both
primary and secondary), loading of waste, transport of over burden and crushing of ore is having
considerable impacts on the environment. Dust generation, noise levels and ground vibration
were monitored as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Control measures
recommended on the basis of findings of EIA are being practiced. Review studies were conducted
to gauge the healing effects following the implementation of the Environmental Management
Plan (EMP). Implementation of the EMP points towards the sustenance of a clean, safe and
congenial working environment in the mine and its precincts.


Magnesite mining; environmental impact assessment; environmental management plan; South India.

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