Season fire, firefighting, protected areas, fire managementResumo
Forest fires affect ecosystems and cause damage that can be minimized by fire prevention programs. The objective was to determine the periods with the highest probability of occurrence of forest fires in Brazil. Heat source records detected by satellites between 1999 and 2014, and the frequency of occurrences of fire and burnt area sizes from 2006 to 2014, were evaluated. A statistical analysis of averages grouping allowed to separate the months with the highest number of heat sources into homogeneous groups, being possible to validate them with the months with the highest record of fires in the Conservation Units, thus defining the normal fire season. The number of heat sources records in Brazil was higher in winter and spring, dry seasons with lower rainfall and higher temperatures, with normal fire season from August to November. The fire occurrences were higher between August and October, with the higher burnt area in September. The periods of highest fire occurrence in Brazil varied between regions according to the climatological characteristics, and therefore strategies for fire prevention and control in vegetation must be intensified during the normal fire season. The period from August to November needs the greatest attention from the public authorities regarding the implementation of prevention and control fire programs. The months September and October make up the normal fire season from all regions of the Brazil.
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