Open Journal Systems

Capability approach and the structured pluralism

Marco Antônio Costa Soares Junior, Mônica Yukie Kuwahara


Our main goal is to present the Capability Approach as a case of Structured Pluralism, as a comprehensive strategy to analyze multidimensional phenomena. The concept of Structured Pluralism requires a plural environment where the coexistence of different views of the same subject may be debated and even help each other in the comprehension of a complex and changeable reality. The Capability Approach is presented putting in evidence its pluralistic essence wherefore Structured. There are a common use of terms and methodological diversity too, especially when empirical studies related to it are pursued. The pluralism is intrinsic in the Capability Approach, even in a symbolical sense when the word "approach" is used instead of "theory". The Capability Approach moreover has that crucial objective of changing the comprehension of reality and influencing the public policies that can improve the conditions of people at the end.


Pluralism; Structured Pluralism; Capabilities; Capability Approach.

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