Open Journal Systems

Evaluation specifics requirements of the Brazilian norm NBR 14166/1998 with emphasis to the NAVSTAR-GPS positioning

Maria Madalina Santos da Silva, Cláudia Pereira Krueger, Luís Augusto Koenig Veiga


The constant evolution of technology into the geodesy area has been proportionate to discussions by the scientific community about the equipments and techniques to be used in geodetic surveys. This research has been developed to observe the useful
of Navigation System with Time And Ranging - Global Positioning System (NAVSTAR-GPS) to support the basic geodetic support densification, necessary to the cadastral referential nets implementation, according to the Brazilian norm NBR 14.166/1998 recommendations. This way, starting from the basic geodetic stations in the studied region, the coordinates of the new geodetic stations were estimated. To evaluate the precisions through several data processing strategies, an analysis of the results for short baselines (até 18 km) and medium baselines (of 22 a 89 km) was performed, where the GPS data were processing with two deferent’s programs to detect the well call “Software noise”. Also a discussion about the different processing techniques and its precisions was developed including the evaluations of influences of ionosphere activities. One of the ascertainment of this research is
related to the recommendation to use the simple frequency receivers for baselines up to 50 Km contained in the analyzed norm which, for all the analyzed cases, was unfeasible.


levantamentos geodésicos; processamento de dados GPS; geodetic surveys; processing data GPS; influences of ionosphere