Open Journal Systems

Experiences about the obtained accuracy on the point positioning using smoothed pseudoranges

Mauricio Ihlenfeldt Sejas, Cláudia Pereira Krueger


The goal of this work is to check the obtained accuracy on the point positioning
when smoothed pseudoranges used by the carrier phase. In order to reach this goal,
a smoothing algorithm was implemented in a computer program, in which the
results were statistically analyzed through the chi square test and through the
average deviation of each sample. Two other experiments were made to analyze the
accuracy of the point positioning, when the original pseudorange (from C/A code)
and the pseudorange smoothed by the carrier phase (L1) are used. The field survey
was carried out on the RM03 and CANG stations, and the observations were
collected from Ashtech-Z12 and Trimble 4000 SSi receivers in a 5 second
collecting rate. One of the experiments had as a goal to evaluate the results obtained
by the developed program. One set of samples had the smoothed values generated
by the receiver itself compared to the ones calculated by the algorithm and the
results were tested by the chi square test. We noticed that only 52% of the samples
weren’t rejected by the test at a 95% confidence level. Every observation epoch had
a deviation value, resulting from the difference between the values generated by the
receiver and the calculated by the algorithm, calculated for every sample. The
results show that 70% of the samples had average deviation under 40 cm. Other two
experiments were held in order to analyze the accuracy of the point positioning. The
observations from the RM03 and CANG stations were used and the accuracy results
showed that the positioning that used the pseudoranges smoothed by the carrier
phase (L1) were more accurate than those that used the original pseudoranges.


Absolute positioning; Pseudorange smoothing; Point positioning; Posicionamento absoluto; Suavização da Pseudodistância; Posicionamento por ponto