bioclimatology, bioclimatic strategies, energy efficiency.Resumo
This paper aims to present the bioclimatic strategies for Tangará da Serra, located in the southwest region of the state of Mato Grosso. The focus of this research is to seek alternatives to ensure adequate thermal performance of buildings by promoting energy efficiency and environmental comfort. This work has a great relevance to the municipality since there are no publications that provide specific guidelines for the design of architectural projects adapted to the local climate. For this purpose, the bioclimatic chart of Tangará da Serra – Mato Grosso, was elaborated using climatic data collected from 2004 to 2017 by the meteorological station of the Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso in order to obtain the provisional weather conditions. From this information, the monthly and annual averages were established, thus generating the provisional weather conditions of the region, which were inserted in the software Analysis Bio. Finally, the city’s bioclimatic chart was obtained, which resulted in the annual periods in which the climate is considered comfortable, as well as the bioclimatic strategies to promote thermal comfort in buildings during periods of higher and lower temperatures.The result of this paper emphasizes the natural ventilation and the thermal inertia of the materials as the main strategies to be adopted in the design and construction of buildings in Tangará da Serra – Mato Grosso.
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