Defense of Christian morality: evangelical candidates for the Paranaense Legislative in 2018


  • Lucas Alves da Silva State University of Paraná
  • Frank Antonio Mezzomo State University of Paraná
  • Cristina Satiê de Oliveira Pátaro State University of Paraná



Morality, weaponry, drugs, evangelicals, elections 2018.


The present research analyzes how evangelical candidates to the State Legislative Assembly of Paraná in 2018 carried out their electoral campaigns and published their materials on Facebook, promoting the defense of Christian values as a source of political morality, defending arming the population weaponry, and the fight against the legalization of drugs. In recent decades, we have seen an increase in religious activism in Brazilian politics, especially among evangelicals, who seek to inscribe their values and beliefs in the public arena. For the development of this research, we analyzed campaign materials, such as jingles, flyers, images, videos, lives and election leaflets released on the Facebook social media of the 45 evangelical candidates. The analyzes revealed that the discourses in defense of Christian values were recurrent in the materials and were shown as the main guidelines defended by the candidates. Although the theme of guns and drugs were not present with the same frequency, they nonetheless demonstrated how the candidates have appropriated religious arguments in defense of such guidelines.

Author Biographies

Lucas Alves da Silva, State University of Paraná

Master's student of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program Society and Development (PPGSeD) by State University of Paraná. CAPES Scholarship. (Source: author of the paper)

Frank Antonio Mezzomo, State University of Paraná

Graduation in Philosophy and Specialization in Social History at the State University of Western Paraná (Unioeste); Master and PhD in Cultural History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Associate Professor at the State University of Paraná (Unespar), working in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Society and Development, Public History and Professional Master in History Teaching. He held administrative functions as Pro-Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, coordinator of the Interdisciplinary PPG, institutional coordination of PIBIC / CNPq. He has been part of the Araucária Foundation's Human Sciences Advisory Committee since 2014, acting as coordinator in the 2020/2024 management. Editor of NUPEM Magazine, leader of the Culture and Power Relations Research Group. Develops research on the themes of religion, politics, (auto) biography, culture and society, in dialogues with Anthropology, Sociology and History. (Source: Accessed on 1/22/2021)

Cristina Satiê de Oliveira Pátaro, State University of Paraná

PhD in Education. Professor of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Society and Development (PPGSeD) of the State University of Paraná. (Source: author of the work)


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How to Cite

Silva, L. A. da, Mezzomo, F. A., & Pátaro, C. S. de O. (2019). Defense of Christian morality: evangelical candidates for the Paranaense Legislative in 2018. Revista Relegens Thréskeia, 8(1), 113–131.


