Aula de campo, geografia urbana e interdisciplinaridadeAbstract
This article is about a proposal to work urban geography at school in a critical, didactic and at the same time pleasurable way, both for teachers and for students through fieldwork. The article begins by bringing a discussion about the city and the urban within geographic science, later addressing some concerns common to teaching practice, while presenting strategies for overcoming such concerns, highlighting the importance of interdisciplinarity at school and methodological procedures for conducting a field class, which includes content related to urban geography. The construction of the article started from a classroom practice already performed, in the city of Itabuna-BA with the observation of the landscape and collection of images by the students. Some of the results obtained are described, so the article intends to help elementary and high school teachers to understand the importance of the field class as a didactic-pedagogical tool to achieve the proposed objectives.
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